Empowering Women’s Economic Security Through Associations’ Excellence: A Look at WE-Champs Project Achievements

Aygun Aliyeva, Elena Ratoi

WE-Champs Key Results of Mentorship Program and Association Excellence Grants Implemented in Europe

Women’s economic empowerment is a cornerstone of global development and the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) is at the forefront of this movement with its innovative WE-Champs program. Launched in 2022 with funding from the U.S. Department of State Secretary’s Office of Global Women’s Issues, WE-Champs aims to strengthen the ability of women’s chambers of commerce and business associations across Europe, Central Asia, and Africa to better serve their members.

The program fosters a robust network of participating chambers and associations enhancing their advocacy platforms and promoting local ownership. By connecting these organizations regionally and globally, WE-Champs facilitates the sharing of resources, experiences, and strategies, thereby bolstering support for women entrepreneurs.

A key aspect of the WE-Champs program is its comprehensive approach combining association excellence grants with mentorship and networking opportunities. The mentorship program pairs leaders of women’s associations with seasoned experts in association management, providing crucial guidance to navigate challenges and seize growth opportunities. This personalized support has proven instrumental in helping many associations define their strategic directions and improve operational mechanisms.

The associations excellence grants have provided vital financial support, enabling organizations to upgrade digital tools, develop internal policies and implement innovative social media campaigns. These grants have significantly enhanced organizational operations, from adopting new governance models to conducting strategic planning workshops, ensuring sustainability and expanded impact in their communities.

Since WE-Champs inception in Europe, CIPE has selected 11 women’s business associations and chambers of commerce from 9 European countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Georgia, Kosovo, Moldova, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine) to participate in the association excellence component, which started in March 2023. After one year, the participating organizations achieved notable successes:

The National Association of Professional Business and Artisan Women in Albania (SHGPAZ) developed a new strategic plan for 2024-2027, informed by a detailed membership survey. They also conducted four strategic planning sessions attended by over 50 participants. In addition, the association organized four members revitalization workshops across 10 districts and culminated their efforts with a major conference attended by 70 participants, significantly enhancing community engagement.

The Women’s Economic Chamber in Albania (WECA) undertook a comprehensive review of its membership model and with guidance from their mentor, developed a new retention and membership growth strategy. This strategy was shaped by feedback gathered from two online surveys targeting current and potential members, as well as insights from focus group discussions. Additionally, WECA conducted four outreach events across various regions of Albania to highlight the benefits of joining the chamber. The organization also upgraded its website to better promote the businesses of its members, enhancing their visibility and engagement.

The Association of Business Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina developed a new Strategic Plan for 2024-2027 through extensive consultations with both its members and non-members, gathering insights from an online survey completed by over 120 respondents. They also hosted five focus group discussions attended by close to 50 women entrepreneurs. To enhance external communications, the association created a communications plan that aligns with their organizational goals and upgraded their website to improve user engagement and accessibility.

The Association of Women Entrepreneurs in Bulgaria “Selena” enhanced its digital outreach and user experience by updating its website and renewing monthly bulletins to keep members informed and engaged. Additionally, they developed its new strategic plan for 2023-2025, aligning with long-term organizational goals. This plan was formulated through a membership survey and focus group discussions, ensuring it addresses the needs and aspirations of their members.

The Women Business Council of Georgia (WBCG) developed a governance handbook, providing a valuable resource for best practices in governance, and a membership development strategy, based on a membership survey of over 140 women entrepreneurs. WBCG also rebranded the association and launched an extensive social media campaign, sharing stories about its active members and introducing new members. The association hosted a networking event and a public-private dialogue, fostering discussions and partnerships between the government and the private sector. Additionally, WBCG adjusted its governance structure, reviewed its bylaws and became the first women’s business association to re-register under the new legal provisions in the country.

The Association of Women in the Energy Sector of Kosovo (AWESK) prioritized enhancing external communications about the association and its members. AWESK developed four inspirational stories featuring its members—women leaders in the male-dominated energy sector—and produced three videos highlighting the benefits of joining the association. Additionally, AWESK upgraded its website to improve engagement and conducted a networking event which brought together, for the first time, over 30 participants from the energy and banking sectors to unite efforts to promote equity and equality in the energy sector and beyond.

The Association of Women Entrepreneurs in Moldova (AFAM) developed a new strategic plan for 2024-2028 and strengthened its internal policies and procedures by preparing and adopting its first Operations Manual. They implemented a methodology for monitoring and evaluation of grant implementation. AFAM also hosted an awareness and networking event attended by over 80 individuals, emphasizing the importance of business email addresses as essential digital communication tools. Furthermore, AFAM revitalized its website to increase the association’s visibility and effectiveness.

The Association of Businesswomen in Serbia (ABW) designed and launched the e-ABW program, a new initiative focused on digital entrepreneurship, tailored specifically for young women entrepreneurs and startups. To recruit new members, ABW Serbia conducted a communications campaign and introduced an innovative referral program, encouraging existing current members to promote the benefits of joining the association. “Our initiative e-ABW bridges traditional and digital entrepreneurship to support women in the growing digital space. Collaborating with WE-Champs, we’ve tailored our approach to meet the specific needs of digital entrepreneurs, ensuring inclusivity and empowerment for all women in business,” highlighted Sanja Popović Pantić, President of ABW Serbia.

The Association of Business Women and Managers in Slovakia organized four networking events, facilitating collaboration and exchange among 79 participants and strengthening community ties and engagement. They updated their website to improve functionality and user experience. Additionally, the association conducted strategic planning meetings with its board and promoted leadership through four training sessions on topics, such as public speaking and facilitation. The association also published promotional materials and a general data protection regulation (GDPR) policy on their website. Furthermore, with support from their mentor, the association reviewed and adjusted its membership model.

The organization Female Algorithm of Slovakia implemented a new customer relationship management (CRM) tool to enhance communication with its partners. They also upgraded their website and produced three promotional videos showcasing the organization’s projects and initiatives. With support from their mentor, Female Algorithm developed and adopted four new internal policies to strengthen governance and operational frameworks, ensuring improved organizational effectiveness.

The Ukrainian Platform “Women in Business” launched a new bilingual website in Ukrainian and English, catering to a diverse audience and enhancing accessibility. With their mentor’s support, the Platform also reviewed and updated its strategic plan, focusing on improving governance and membership structures while targeting new services. “The transformative journey with WE-Champs has empowered us to reimagine our potential and impact. It is not just about business; it is about building a community that thrives together,” said Nadiia Lysetska, President of the Platform.

Overall, through strategic planning workshops and implementation of new governance models, grant recipients have professionalized and streamlined their operations. These efforts have ensured sustainability and greater impact within their communities.

Alongside financial support, a 12-month mentorship program paired association leaders with international experts who guided them through complex challenges and growth opportunities. This one-on-one support led to notable advancements, with associations reporting stronger leadership skills among their executives and board members. This enhanced leadership capacity has enabled them to effectively advocate for gender-equitable reforms and engage in public policy dialogues. Also, through mentorship, associations expanded their regional networks, collaborating on projects that transcend national borders and cultural barriers, reinforcing the solidarity and collective strength of women entrepreneurs in the region.

As the WE-Champs program expands into Central Asia and Africa, the focus remains on replicating these successes and tailoring strategies to fit local contexts. The program emphasizes sustainable growth, regional networking, and evidence-based advocacy, ensuring that advancements are not only achieved but also maintained and used as foundations for future efforts.

CIPE’s commitment remains strong, as highlighted by Barbara Langley, Director of the Center for Women’s Economic Empowerment (CWEE): “Our journey toward empowering women in business continues with undiminished enthusiasm. We are dedicated to adapting our successful models to new regions, ensuring that every woman entrepreneur gains the tools and networks necessary to thrive through stronger women’s business associations and chambers.”

The successes of the WE-Champs program’s mentorship and associations excellence grants highlight the effectiveness of targeted support and underscore the potential for transformative change. Inspired by the project’s achievements and the indomitable spirit of its participants, CIPE and its partners are committed to advancing toward a future in which every woman entrepreneur can thrive.

By sharing these impactful stories and continuing to support women-led associations, CIPE aims to inspire a ripple effect of empowerment across regions, demonstrating the transformative impact that can be achieved when women are equipped with the resources and support to lead and innovate.

Published Date: June 24, 2024