Corruption Risk Forecast is the Goldilocks Solution that Business and Policymakers Need

As a member of a community of corruption fighters, the Anti-Corruption & Governance Center at the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) applauds the success of existing corruption measurement tools while staying committed to developing new anti-corruption measures and sharpening existing ones. CIPE recently collaborated with the European Centre for Anticorruption and State-building (ERCAS) to build and refine a new set of corruption indicators – The Corruption Risk Forecast (CRF). This tool fills a gap by providing private- and public-sector decision-makers with an accessible model of corruption risk, relevant policy recommendations, and a forward-looking corruption forecast.

Each year, updates to Transparency International’s well-known Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) spur a global wave of discussion about corruption. The updated rankings spark media conversations in dozens of countries and frequently elicit comments from political and civil society leaders. A glance at Google Trends data shows just how significant an impact these annual releases have on internet searches around the world.

Read the full blog here

Published Date: June 26, 2024