2814 Items

Corruption in Northern Iraq

This morning the New York Times is reporting on violence and protest in Iraq that are not directly related to the war.  Yesterday, residents of Halabja, a city in the...

Catallactic Competition

Not that I want to bore you with an economic theory discussion, but I was going through "Human Action" by Ludwig von Misses and thought that his comments on free competition...

Upping the Ante for Anti-Corruption

CIPE's programs around the world have always included a strong component focusing on anti-corruption.  Today, CIPE works with partners in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Columbia, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Mozambique, the Philippines, and...

Stepping Nimbly in Cambodia’s Market

As I walk through a produce market in Phnom Penh, Cambodia I'm glad that I spent some of my younger years learning kung fu. Not because I ever feel threatened...

Limits to Liberal Democracy

Gorbachev reflects on the cult of personality, current political situation in Russia, media freedom, and other geo-political issues in an interview with Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.  On the state of democracy...

New Democracy Fund

The recently established U.N. Democracy Fund was inaugurated yesterday with pledges of $41 million from 17 countries, U.S. and India providing the most money.  In the description of what types of initiatives this...

Food Aid or Food Aids?

Check out this interview (part 1 and part 2) with Michael Maren in "The African Executive," a magazine published by CIPE partner Inter Region Economic Network (IREN).  Michael Maren has some strong statements...

Media Group in Kenya Raided

Heavily armed and masked police commandos smashed printing presses and seized transmission equipment Thursday in raids on Kenya's second-largest media company, while three reporters were charged with creating public alarm...
2814 Items