
Directory for all Resources

All CIPE Publications and Resources by Partners are listed here. Use the filter bar to find the item you are looking for.

420 Items

Interest Group Participation in Government Groups in Kenya

Case Studies
Background on Research Conducted in Kenya on Interest Groups and their Effectiveness The objective of interest groups and business associations is to influence public policy. These organizations accomplish this by...

Projet Conference Regionalle Noukcoutt

Guides & Tools
Le Centre International pour l’Entreprise Privé (CIPE), en partenariat avec le Secrétariat Exécutif du G5 Sahel, a organisé les 9 et 10 novembre 2022 une conférence régionale visant à promouvoir...

Economic Empowerment in LAC

Introduction The Center for Women’s Economic Empowerment (CWEE) and the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) team at CIPE advance gender equality in emerging markets to build more inclusive, thriving economies and democracies that deliver for all citizens. This briefer outlines CIPE’s approach to promoting women’s economic empowerment (WEE) in Latin America & the Caribbean (LAC)...

U.S. – Bahrain Free Trade Agreement User’s Guide

Guides & Tools
This User’s Guide is designed to provide information about the U.S.-Bahrain FTA in an accessible format and to highlight the advantages it provides for American and Bahraini companies. The FTA...
420 Items