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420 Items
Cover of the report features a stylized map of the middle east and north Africa regions.

Corrosive Capital in the Middle East and North Africa

Case Studies
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY What is Corrosive Capital? Aid and investment that comes primarily from states, or state-affiliated bodies, and penetrates governance gaps in recipient countries, weakening democratic governance within them. It...

Kleptocracy: Its Global Impact on Markets and Democracy

Articles |
CIPE and colleagues are sharing a new policy brief that spotlights how the systemic and systematic looting of public funds by kleptocrats undermines the foundations of democratic governance, by draining resources that could...

Oligarchic Ukrainian Capital

The oligarchic system that has developed in the political and economic spheres of Ukraine represents one of the main obstacles to the socio-economic development of the country. The oligarchy distributes...

2022 Sahel Conference Report

Sahel Conference Report: Promoting a Private-Public Dialogue for Development, Security and the Fight against Violent Extremism in the G5 Sahel In late 2022, the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)...

2022 Policy & Program Learning Highlights

The Policy & Program Learning (PPL) team is pursuing answers to crucial questions about the direction of democratic free-market systems and highlighting areas for business leadership in reform. Supporting independent...

Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation Annual Report 2022

CIPE is a joint leader of the Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation, which just released its 2022 annual report outlining innovative programs in numerous countries around the globe. The Alliance report outlines how...
420 Items