
Directory for all Resources

All CIPE Publications and Resources by Partners are listed here. Use the filter bar to find the item you are looking for.

420 Items

Corruption Institutional Analysis Diagnostic Handbook 2023

Guides & Tools
Corruption is best understood and best countered by those closest to the problem. The Center for International Private Enterprise’s Anti-Corruption and Governance Center created the Corruption Institutional Analysis Diagnosis (CIAD)...

Colombia Risk Analysis: Subnational and Regional Risk Indices

Guides & Tools
As part of the project “Empowering the Andean Region’s private sector to consolidate democratic institutions,” the Regional Office of CIPE in Colombia, in partnership with Colombia Risk Analysis (, has created the...

Market Assessment: Tourism in Central Asia

Case Studies
This assessment reflects a comprehensive exploration of the region’s tourism landscape. It outlines the multifaceted challenges obstructing the tourism sector in Central Asia, presenting both regulatory and non-regulatory barriers. Visacomplexities,...
420 Items