
Directory for all Resources

All CIPE Publications and Resources by Partners are listed here. Use the filter bar to find the item you are looking for.

420 Items

Democratic Backsliding in Bulgaria

Political Landscape in Bulgaria Bulgaria joined the European Union (EU) in 2007. At the time, EU entry was viewed as a fundamental step towards stronger democratic institutions and economic growth....


Guides & Tools
La aplicación de Elapedia, creada para inversores alrededor del mundo, proporciona acceso instantáneo a publicaciones de 100 companías en los cuatro países de la Alianza Pacifica (Chile, Colombio, Mexico y...

Threats to Democracy in Slovakia

Article at a glance: Despite nearly three decades of progress, the recent rise of authoritarian-leaning and opportunistic politicians in Slovakia and other Central European countries points to the challenges faced...

Development Evaluation at a Key Inflection Point

Article at a Glance: Convergence of program evaluation and social impact measurement can be catalytic for development if it can mobilize private sector investment to address the estimated $2.5 trillion...

Business Advocacy Flyer

Strengthening freedom of association and building the capacity of business associations and think tanks empowers the private sector to participate in the democratic process. Local business associations, chambers of commerce,...

Democratic Governance Flyer

Improving transparency and accountability in the public and private sectors; increasing support for democratic rights and freedoms. Democratic governance—giving citizens a say in how decisions are made—is fundamental to ensuring...
420 Items