Session Overview
Employee engagement is the emotional commitment employees have to the organization and its goals. This commitment means that engaged employees care about their work, their colleagues and their organization. Engaged employees lead to better organizational outcomes in terms of profits, performance, and stakeholder -‐-‐ including customer-‐-‐ satisfaction. They are more likely to take well thought out risks, because they trust that they will be supported, even if they experience failure. This session will explore ways to measure engagement and to develop a culture of engagement, which is, in effect, also a culture of entrepreneurship.
Learning Objectives
There is not just one individual in an organization who is responsible for employee engagement, rather it should be an integrated partnership of the organization’s leadership, line managers, human resource professionals, and individual employees. As such we will consider employee engagement through the perspectives of multiple stakeholders.
In this session you will:
- Develop a conceptual understanding of employee engagement and how it differs from employee satisfaction.
- Understand the value of engagement to the well being of employees and to organizational performance.
- Consider how an engaged culture facilitates an entrepreneurial culture.
- Learn how to measure employee engagement.
- Develop strategies to strengthen an organization’s “culture of engagement”.
This session is part of CIPE’s 5-part course, Leading People and Organizations. The is the final session.
Published Date: March 16, 2022