CIPE Publications

221 Items

Driving Transparency in Cambodia: How Lenders Shape Infrastructure Standards

Guides & Tools
Governments in emerging economies are turning to a variety of sources for infrastructure funding and technology. Among the avenues for countries in Asia and the Pacific: multilateral development banks and donor agreements with neighboring countries such as China, Japan, and South Korea. To show how differently lenders from the three countries operate, CIPE and its...

Corruption Risk Assessment: Humanitarian Aid in Ukraine

Guides & Tools
Immense amounts of humanitarian aid continue to flow into war-torn Ukraine and CIPE is working to help gauge and curb associated corruption. Findings by CIPE indicate corruption risk levels may be lower than many anticipate.

Ethiopian MSMEs and the AfCFTA

Guides & Tools
The African Continental Free Trade Agreement ushers in a new era of cross-border commerce for the 54 countries that signed the pact. This policy brief is the first in a...

2024 Africa Association Survey Findings

Business membership organizations offer support for local businesses and help foster inclusive growth and economic development. These crucial functions are harder to provide when the organizations are too dependent on a single source of revenue, and that is a problem in Africa, according to survey data collected by CIPE. This report illustrates the pressing need...

The Growing Awareness of the Role of SMEs in Anti-Corruption

For the first time, the largest global gathering of anti-corruption practitioners and activists purposefully examined the role of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in combatting corruption, with business representatives sharing...

How to Use Policy Framing

Guides & Tools
The political or public response to an issue depends heavily on how it is framed. Every decision maker and citizen interprets an issue from their own vantage point, with reference...

A How-To Guide to Anti-Corruption Messaging

Guides & Tools
Corruption is often argued to be one of the biggest threats to both development and democracy around the world. This helps to explain why anti-corruption campaigns have been a constant feature of both foreign aid programming and civil society activity over the last 30 years. These anti-corruption campaigns usually have an awareness-raising component that involves...
221 Items