CIPE Publications

221 Items

Business Associations for the 21st Century

Guides & Tools
Business Associations for the 21st Century is a business association management guide developed by the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) to help business owners and managers around the world...

L’UNACOIS, Voix des Commerçants

Cet article a été publié sur Medium.   L’ Union Nationale des Commerçants et Industriels du Sénégal (UNACOIS) est devenue une véritable force de proposition dans le dialogue public-privé et un...

Lessons in Democratic Development

Case Studies
For 35 years, the Center for International Private Enterprise has participated in a worldwide effort to build the institutions of markets and democracy. During that time, CIPE has developed a...

Changing Destinies: How Entrepreneurs Help Build Democracy

Entrepreneurs drive change. They provide ideas, initiative, and leadership that invigorate development and transform society. Young, growing firms lead economic change by propelling gains in productivity and employment. In doing...
221 Items