Introduction Since its establishment in 2011 as the first independent civil society organization devoted wholly to the promotion of good corporate governance in Palestine, the Palestine Governance Institute (PGI) has...
Introduction In 2008, Paraguay’s political system emerged from 60 years of one-party rule when the Electoral Alliance won the elections and ousted the Colorado Party from power. With the end...
Introduction At a conference held in Manila in 2013, the city of San Fernando presented the results of its work with the Institute for Solidarity in Asia (ISA), CIPE’s longtime...
Introduction Since 2008, the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) in Nigeria has focused on fostering a better business environment through regional public private dialogue initiatives in the North Central...
The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) has developed proven techniques for advancing democratic and market reforms, which private sector groups around the world have used to improve the business...
Introduction In 2006, Nepal emerged from a decade long insurgency and centuries-old monarchical governance. The country was undergoing a transition to democracy, characterized by elections and the adoption of a...
Introduction Since the early 2000s Peru has seen a period of sustained economic growth and poverty reduction, as well as three successive transitions of power via democratic elections. Despite this,...
Introduction The National Business Agenda (NBA) network is the leading voice of private business and advocate for the implementation of pro-growth economic policy in Moldova. Through the adoption of the...
Anti-Corruption Compliance: A Guide for Mid-Sized Companies in Emerging Markets, is meant to help local companies around the world think about anti-corruption compliance as a strategic investment and take concrete...
Creating the Environment for Entrepreneurial Success is a special report that highlights the crucial environmental dimension of entrepreneurship ecosystems. Improving the conditions for entrepreneurship and leveling the playing field goes...