When private businesses are interested in reducing corruption, they can be mobilized to take concrete steps against it. This article introduces available tools for collective action – a strategic approach...
Making the right information available to the right people helps them to lead change. This toolkit identifies core objectives and approaches in the field of access to information to guide...
Entrepreneurship is not only among the most fundamental human endeavors, but it is also at the core of vibrant market economies around the world. This article addresses the significance of...
The essence of inclusive market economies is the institutional framework where private entrepreneurs have the opportunities to create and build wealth, to maximize their value to society, and to grow...
This guidebook is a resource for chambers of commerce, associations, and other business-oriented groups seeking to address some of the obstacles that young people face as they attempt to enter...
Implementation gap is the difference between laws on the books and how they are carried out in practice. Many countries have legal frameworks that in principle should allow them to...
Introduction In his speech at the July United States- Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Business Forum in Siem Reap, Cambodia, Burma President U Thein Sein explained that Burma “has...
Article at a glance: • The experience of the Philippines can be instructive to countries currently undergoing their own democratic transitions. • Citizenship in a democracy requires responsibility. Rights and...
DFIs as Responsible Corporate Citizens Sustainability, a recent trend in international development, has redefined how companies and financial institutions around the world do business. Whereas before, business actions were largely...
Since the publication of Hernando de Soto’s landmark book The Mystery of Capital in 2000, the link between property rights and economic development, especially for the world’s poor, has become...