The media has the responsibility to provide society with objective, accurate, and timely information of economic trends and events, however incomprehensible jargon is regularly used in news reports without an...
Strong, well-informed think tanks strengthen democratic governance in ways that simply can’t be replicated by other advocacy groups. Economic think tanks are indispensable to CIPE, as they explain the benefits...
Understanding of property rights often remains limited to property titles, without deeper appreciation of the underlying and interconnected institutions that make property rights meaningful and allow property markets to function....
Good governance is essential to creating business associations that are independent and mission-driven, can grow a broad membership base, can be responsible financial stewards, provide membership services, and effectively represent...
Public-private dialogue strengthens policymaking by incorporating valuable private input and creating momentum for reform. For dialogue to be most productive, the private sector must take initiative to advocate for its...
Introduction The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is experiencing rapid private sector growth. While each country is unique, visionary companies throughout the region embrace improved corporate governance as...
Introduction Corruption occurs in all societies, but threatens the economic and political fortunes of developing countries the most. Bribery, conflicts of interest, and illegal deals impose heavy costs on the...
The participation of the private sector in the fight against corruption is key to success. The most effective anti-corruption programs engage the private sector in institutional reforms that promote competitive...
In this in-depth analysis written by Larry Diamond, he touches on the necessary checks and balances that are essential to monitor, constrain, expose, and punish the abuse of power within...
As China enjoys extraordinary economic growth and showcases exceptional resilience during the worst financial crisis in decades, observers nevertheless note that the country continues to suffer from a number of...