Foreword Shaping Investment Security Policy: A Guide for Business Associations Emerging geopolitical tensions and concerns about supply chain, health, and food security have recently resulted in greater state intervention in...
Albania was significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and businesses had to adapt to the changes brought about by this crisis. Research so far on the Albanian context has focused...
The Policy & Program Learning (PPL) team is pursuing answers to crucial questions about the direction of democratic free-market systems and highlighting areas for business leadership in reform. Supporting independent...
Sahel Conference Report: Promoting a Private-Public Dialogue for Development, Security and the Fight against Violent Extremism in the G5 Sahel In late 2022, the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)...
The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) commissioned this Risk to Value Guide to support medium to large-sized businesses in emerging and frontier markets in understanding emerging and new business...
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY What is Corrosive Capital? Aid and investment that comes primarily from states, or state-affiliated bodies, and penetrates governance gaps in recipient countries, weakening democratic governance within them. It...
The Center for International and Private Enterprise (CIPE) in the Sahel works with regional bodies and organizations like the G5 Sahel, to address the multidimensional areas of development and the...
Introduction The introduction of the wide-ranging National Security Law (NSL) in Hong Kong on July 1, 2020 officially shattered the political autonomy promised Hong Kong under China’s “One Country, Two...
Background on Research Conducted in Kenya on Interest Groups and their Effectiveness The objective of interest groups and business associations is to influence public policy. These organizations accomplish this by...
**Regístrese gratis, ¡aquí!** La pandemia de la COVID-19 aceleró la transformación de los mercados económicos, lo que obligó a muchos empresarios a adaptar rápidamente sus negocios para aprovechar las nuevas...