Background: This research paper examines the intersection between women’s economic empowerment (WEE) and responses to gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH) at the workplace. The paper draws on information collected using...
Report by PAR Research and Consultancy Inc. and CIPE on Women’s Rights in Corporate Compliance Programs in Turkey PAR Research and Consultancy Inc. and CIPE have developed a comprehensive report on corporate...
CIPE created the Knowledge Hubs for Democratic and Market Transition project with the financial support of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) to build a broader consensus around reform priorities...
Research Report on State-Business Relations in a Hybrid Regime by József Péter Martin, PhD Executive Summary Although a member of nominally high-standard international organizations of Western alliance (European Union, NATO),...
Business ethics, integrity, and compliance are often relatively new concepts for businesses in emerging markets, most of which are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). To help SMEs realize the benefits...
Executive Summary A Framework for Constructive Capital presents a market-oriented approach for supporting private capital flows and foreign direct investment based on a multi-dimensional foundation of systemic integrity. The Framework...
One need not look far to find news stories today about China’s overseas ambitions. Barely a month passes without another headline announcing yet another China-funded project in yet another country...
The 2.4 billion young people in the world today represent the largest youth population in history. Further, 90% of the world’s youth live in developing countries, 20% of whom do...
The role that good leadership, and good leadership practices play, cannot be underestimated in the success of any organization, whether multinational or small entrepreneurial enterprise. This training was designed to provide...
Session Overview Many would agree that some individuals have innate traits that allow them to lead others. Yet if genetics or heredity were the only answers, effort would not be...