Session Overview Working in teams is an integral part of organizational life. This session will expose you to concepts for understanding groups and teams, how they behave, and for leading...
Session Overview In our everyday lives, we are constantly called on to make decisions, some whose outcomes are relatively inconsequential, others that could have a significant impact on our own...
Session Overview Employee engagement is the emotional commitment employees have to the organization and its goals. This commitment means that engaged employees care about their work, their colleagues and their...
Session Overview Leadership is one of the most studied topics in business, it is also one of the most complex, and its scope is extremely wide and deep. There is...
In Tunisia, CIPE is engaging civil society to inject fresh thinking into a repetitive and stagnant public debate over economic reform. CIPE adapted the questionnaire it used in Bolivia and...
The Policy & Program Learning team is pursuing answers to crucial questions about the direction of democratic free-market systems, and highlighting areas for business leadership in reform. PPL has sourced...
The purpose of a policy brief is to inform and persuade lawmakers to take action regarding a particular issue. A policy brief succinctly presents a practical policy solution to a...
The Papua New Guinea Women’s Business Resource Centre (PNG WBRC) is a secure space where women can take steps to start and grow their own businesses. CIPE launched the initiative...
Introduction Since 2015, CIPE has observed authoritarian governments pursuing international investment agendas as a means to exert influence and undermine markets in emerging democracies around the world. These investments pose...
Introduction People all over the world want to strike it rich, but in China your fortune could cost you your life. You may be China Central Television’s “Economic Man of...