CIPE Publications

221 Items

Technology for Democracy Online Course

Guides & Tools
Welcome to CIPE’s Technology for Democracy Online Course. This interactive course is designed to improve the knowledge and use of digital tools and strategies among business membership organizations. The course...

Theory of Change Infographic: Anti-Corruption Rapid Response

Guides & Tools
The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) is a world leader in developing sophisticated ways to counter corruption in emerging markets. Beginning in 2016, CIPE’s Anti-Corruption & Governance Center (ACGC)...

Handbook: Anti-Corruption Diagnostic Framework

Guides & Tools
The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) is a world leader in developing sophisticated ways to counter corruption in emerging markets. Beginning in 2016, CIPE has developed a rapid response anti-corruption...

There Is More to Democracy That Delivers

U.S. President Joe Biden will host a virtual democracy summit on December 9-10, 2021. The purpose of the summit is to exercise American leadership towards global democratic renewal by focusing...
221 Items