This User’s Guide is designed to provide information about the U.S.-Bahrain FTA in an accessible format and to highlight the advantages it provides for American and Bahraini companies. The FTA...
This new report sheds light on how to strengthen women’s leadership in transformation, processing, and industrial development in continental Africa. The report was developed by CIPE in partnership with the...
Le Centre International pour l’Entreprise Privé (CIPE), en partenariat avec le Secrétariat Exécutif du G5 Sahel, a organisé les 9 et 10 novembre 2022 une conférence régionale visant à promouvoir...
The Club des Entrepreneurs de Mauritanie (CEM) recently released an activity report with contributions from the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) that provides recommendations on how to build an...
According to the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS), there are, 7.41 million Medium Small and Micro Enterprises1 (MSME) in Kenya (of which only 1.56 million are officially licensed), who...
The research of legal regulation and practice of working time recording was based on the study of EU Directive 2003/88, legal regulation models of EU member states, European practice, the...
Introduction This report has two main purposes: first, to thoroughly examine how well federalism has been implemented in Nepal, how much federalism reforms have improved Nepal’s governance, and what directions...
Investments from authoritarian countries have grown in Chile over the past two decades. In the context of Chile’s democratic institutions and liberal economic structure, foreign interests are traditionally welcomed, regardless...
The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) and WeSolve Foundation present “Making Together Work: Support for Coalition Advocacy Learning and Engagement in Good Governance”Coalition building has been discussed extensively in...
The establishment of liberal democracy as the system of global democracy now seems further away than ever. The world is experiencing a democratic recession where it faces new threats. As...