Democracy That Delivers #272: Rapid Response — Paul Massaro’s Window into the US’s Push to Combat Global Corruption

Peter Glover |

Paul Massaro serves as a senior policy advisor for the US Helsinki Commission, but for those with a window into the US government’s efforts to combat global corruption, Paul’s is a household name. He is a behind-the-scenes driver of a new wave of thinking about the connection between global corruption and US national security. He spoke with Peter Glover of CIPE’s Anti-Corruption & Governance Center, as part of a new mini-series focused on anti-corruption rapid response, to discuss the new surge of US government actions combatting global corruption and the increased attention on rapid response anti-corruption approaches. The conversation touches on how global corruption can affect everyday Americans — the topic of a couple of recent articles co-authored by Paul — windows of opportunity for anti-corruption reform, the importance of thinking and working politically, the concept of the role of critical junctures in institutional change, and the proposed CROOK Act. Paul is lively both as a podcast guest and on Twitter, so this episode is definitely worth a listen.

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Published Date: July 29, 2021