As Ethiopia emerges from a destructive two-year war that destroyed many lives and property in the north, all efforts need to be focused on reconstruction and economic recovery. Even more critical is the need to include representatives of informal business, women, and youth that were particularly affected by the war.

In 2023, CIPE collaborated with a private sector coalition to develop and release the Interregional Business Agenda (IBA) for Economic Recovery and Cooperation. This coalition was drawn from the conflict-affected regions of Afar, Amhara, Oromia, and Somali to lead the public-private dialogue process to create a roadmap for peacebuilding and economic growth.
The IBA is currently serving as a basis for dialogue between the Ethiopian government and the interregional coalition to gain support for the recommended solutions and ultimately contribute to conflict mitigation and peacebuilding.
How Did We Get Here? From Ideas to Advocacy
Representatives from the public sector, private sector, CSOs, and media attended a national roundtable in the spring to discuss the challenges and recommendations of the business agenda. Notable attendees included Taye Denda, State Minister at the Ministry of Peace (MoP), and Dr. Yonas Adaye, the Commissioner of the Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission, as well as experts from the Ministry of Revenue and National Bank of Ethiopia.
The roundtable provided a space for inclusive dialogue, allowing business stakeholders from conflict-affected communities to share their views and objectives. The five key priorities and solutions identified to rehabilitate businesses in conflict-affected areas were:
- Immediate reconstruction of infrastructure and business properties
- Improving access to finance
- Restoring and strengthening business relations within and between regions
- Stimulating investment
- Promoting inclusive and consistent public-private dialogue (PPD)
The event and the development of the business agenda were conducted as part of the Supporting Ethiopia’s Democratic Transition through Inclusive Dialogue and Regional Integration program. Through this program, CIPE aims to promote economic reform and decrease economic disparities as part of post-conflict economic recovery efforts in Ethiopia.

CIPE and its partners are continuing the dialogue with the Ethiopian government to gain support for the adoption of the recommended solutions from the IBA and contribute to widespread conflict mitigation and peacebuilding.
For more information, you can find the full Interregional Business Agenda here.
CIPE and its partners will continue to share updates about its peacebuilding and economic integration initiatives in Ethiopia via the website and social media channels on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Stay tuned!
Published Date: August 23, 2023