159 Items

Stories from Guatemala: How CIPE Helps Grow Businesses (Part 5)

February 2023 marks a year since the launch of CIPE’s Women’s Business Resource Center’s (“WBRC” or “Corali”) first program for women entrepreneurs. During its first year of operation, Corali reached 350+ beneficiaries through its dozens of workshops, events, and courses. Mujer Empresaria (“Businesswoman” in English) is one of the three flagship programs that the center...

Tour of Corali: CIPE’s Business Resource Center in Guatemala

In late 2021, CIPE and its partner the Red Nacional de Grupos Gestores (RNGG) launched a pilot Women’s Business Resource Center (“WBRC” or “Corali”) in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala that addresses economic gender disparities and supports women’s inclusion in their local economies. Corali is a centralized, safe physical space where women from all backgrounds can access vital...

The Corruption Risk Forecast Detects What Other Indices Don’t

In the global fight against corruption, our intuition is often right. We expect countries with faltering governments, fragile institutions, and low per capita incomes to struggle to keep money from going where it shouldn’t—and generally speaking, they do. Likewise, many examples of wealthy countries with strong rule of law and government integrity institutions lead us to associate wealthier states with higher integrity—and data confirms this trend too.

Seven Keys To Successful Business Mentorship Programs: How Entrepreneur Support Organizations Can Maximize Their Impact

Based on insights gleaned from this mentorship program in Bahrain — and drawing from our 20-year track record designing entrepreneurship development programs — we have distilled seven key learnings which can help ESOs to implement successful mentorship programs, while providing them with an opportunity to continuously learn and adapt their mentorship approaches and offerings.
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