Decentralization Over the last decades, development and democracy practitioners and theorists have worked to understand, and at times, implement decentralization. All countries have a degree of decentralized governance, but the...
Interview with Marwa Ben Abdallah “Change is the factor that motivates me most, but it can be very slow,” says Marwa Ben Abdallah. During Marwa’s two years at CIPE, she...
This blog is written by CIPE Ukraine field staff. For security purposes, the names have been omitted. For the past two months, tens of millions of Ukrainians as well as...
Adam Sachs and Leila Zarifi from CIPE’s own Global Programs department join co-hosts Autumn Moore and Zoe Watkins on Democracy that Delivers’ “Emerging Leaders” mini-series featuring up-and-coming change-makers. We explore their team’s unique mission to incubate solutions for universal...
This piece was first posted on the WAGE blog: It has been one year since the Women and Girls Empowered (WAGE) Consortium launched the “Reducing Barriers to Women’s Economic Empowerment” project. WAGE Moldova is led by the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) in partnership with the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative (ABA ROLI). The project takes an integrated approach,...
28 აპრილი შრომის უსაფრთხოების საერთაშორისო დღეა. ამ დღის აღსანიშნავად, „უსაფრთხო ბიზნესი თქვენი არჩევანია“* ცნობიერების ამაღლების კამპანიის ფარგლებში, კერძო მეწარმეობის საერთაშორისო ცე...
In honor of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work on April 28, the Center for International Private Enterprise’s Safe Business is Your Choice Awareness campaign* is highlighting areas for further improvement within Georgia’s occupational safety and health (OSH) sector. Acknowledging that Georgia has come a long way since instituting new labor regulations...
What does a boxing icon, a retired police general, a labor leader-activist, a former actor, a widow-human rights lawyer and son of a former dictator have in common? They form...
In the inaugural episode of a new Anti-Corruption & Governance Center podcast series on Private Sector Collective Action hosted by Katya Lysova, two experts on compliance and international trade talk about one of the largest...
The Philippines will hold its national elections on May 9, 2022, with an estimated 67 million Filipinos eligible to vote for the country’s next president and vice president. This will...