159 Items

CIPE Supports the Launch of a Business Agenda in Papua New Guinea

The Center for International Private Enterprise is working with women around the world to share best practices for women’s business advocacy and economic empowerment. Recently, CIPE partnered with the Papua New Guinea Business Advocacy Network (PNG BAN) to host a panel discussion about the launch of the first PNG Women’s Business Agenda (WBA). A WBA...

Putting the Trade Pieces Together in Africa

CIPE’s current vision for trade in Africa includes the implementation of projects on the Africa Continental Free Trade Area in Ethiopia, Nigeria and Kenya as well as the development of a regional trade strategy for Africa.

CIPE Learning Expo Highlights Best Practices

CIPE recently held its first annual Learning Expo on the theme of "Tipping the Scales: Positioning Democratic and Economic Reforms for Impact." It combined a panel discussion, live demonstrations of distinctive program approaches, breakout discussions on ways to increase impact in various program contexts, and virtual exhibits highlighting special initiatives.

An Economic Opportunity in Nigeria

The full inclusion of women in property markets can make Nigeria an economic powerhouse. CIPE and World Citizen Consulting are working with the Association of Nigerian Women Business Network to use a scorecard to evaluate the status for women and suggest a plan of action that will lead to reforms that empower women.

Steps to Make International Trade More Efficient

Customers everywhere are complaining about empty shelves, while retailers explain that supply chains are tangled or broken. Yet there are ways that government and private sector could work together to improve the situation. For example, by making cross border trade simpler by reducing the paperwork that traders must submit to different government agencies to be...
159 Items