159 Items

Fasika Hone: A Success Story from Ethiopia

Following a COVID-19 impact assessment in Ethiopia, CIPE established a revolving loan fund to benefit marginal economic actors – specifically women-owned businesses – to recover from the devastating consequences of...

Yekaba Abera: A Success Story from Ethiopia

Following a COVID-19 impact assessment in Ethiopia, CIPE established a revolving loan fund to benefit marginal economic actors – specifically women-owned businesses – to recover from the devastating consequences of...

The Significance of the Evergrande Liquidity Crisis

China Evergrande Group was the largest property developer by sales in 2020, with an annual revenue of 507 billion RMB ($79 billion) and total assets worth 2.3 trillion RMB ($358 billion) in 2020. Its default will ripple through the Chinese economy.

Spotlight: OECD’s COVID-19 Recovery Dashboard

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Centre on Well-being, Inclusion, Sustainability and Equal Opportunity (WISE) aims to put people and their well-being at the center of public policy by...

BRI Monitor: Bringing Local Voices and Transparency to the Belt and Road

The BRI Monitor is a venture by five think tanks from Southeast Asia and the Pacific to track the transparency of projects funded by China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The goal is not to end Chinese investment, but to ensure Chinese investment is sustainable and beneficial to all parties.
159 Items