2814 Items

How Do We Advocate?

In this two-part blog feature for the CIPE Civic Engagement Hub – an incubator, resource hub, and co-working space for leading civic-minded organizations in Ethiopia – CIPE’s Policy and Program...

Optimize Procedures to Gain Competitiveness

Originally published in Spanish (as seen and translated below) in Revista Enlace Portuario Edition No. 29, 2022. Page 48. Guatemala is working to facilitate international maritime trade. Arrival and departure...

What is Advocacy?

In this two-part blog feature for the CIPE Civic Engagement Hub – an incubator, resource hub, and co-working space for leading civic-minded organizations in Ethiopia – CIPE’s Policy and Program...

Building CSO’s Capacity to Engage in Large-scale Infrastructures in Sri Lanka

The CIPE-SCA project aims to ensure that the interests of the local communities are well reflected in public expenditures on large scale infrastructure in Sri Lanka. The project also seeks to enable civil society to advocate for the interests of local communities throughout the lifecycle of the infrastructure projects and act as a good governance watchdog over infrastructure spending.
2814 Items