2814 Items

Moral Capitalism

I was at a discussion yesterday on the merits of moral capitalism and while listening to the presenter, tried to figure out what really are negative perceptions of capitalism all...

Elections in South Africa

The disparities between South Africa's mainly middle-class beneficiaries of economic transformation and their less well-off countrymen has been brought into focus during the run-up to local government elections on 1...

Economic Bridges Between the Koreas

South Korea is utilizing the economic advantages of Kaesong Industrial Park in North Korea.  Low wages, of course, is one of the major attractions for South Korean firms, but other...

Cheap Food in Venezuela

Food is cheap in Venezuela and some people even get it for free.  Its made possible through government established price controls.  Price controls were established a few years ago to safeguard...

Informality in Guatemala: A Growing Problem

The National Economic Research Center (CIEN) released some initial findings of its CIPE sponsored informal sector project this past week. According to their research, 75% of the economically active population...

From Gang Members to Business Owners?

Did the title catch your eye?  Is it possible to turn the source of social unrest and instability into business people who contribute to the development of their countries, not stifle private...

The War on Poverty…in Africa

Kurt Hoffman of the Shell Foundation shares his views on combating poverty, leaving a place for charity as an important part of addressing immediate needs but putting emphasis on economic...

Management Quality and Productivity

A new study from McKinsey confirms the "common assumption" that management matters - well managed companies outperform their poorly managed competitors. We found a solid link between how well managers...

Controlling the Internet

It is no secret that the Chinese government exerts heavy control over the Internet.  But if you think the government shuts down/controls access to only pro-market liberal websites, think again.  Apparently,...

China Discriminating Against Russia?

A Russian Minister of Agriculture thinks China is discriminating against Russia: "I believe China is pursuing a discriminatory policy against Russia," Gordeev said, quoted by the Itar-Tass agency. He explained...
2814 Items