2814 Items

Who Makes People Poor?

Making people poor is not an easy task, and governments have to work hard to do it.  Ronald Bailey explores this issue in more detail in his piece on "Economics of Ruin...

What is there to argue about?

Last Friday (January 27), NPR broadcast a piece about a new study, Electing to Fight: Why Emerging Democracies Go to War, which purports to show that emerging democracies are more likely than...

Components of Progress

In this op-ed, Marifeli Perez-Stable of the Inter-American Dialogue links markets, democracies, and progress in a very simple equation - "Democracy+Market Economy=Progress."  Despite strong anti-market sentiments in countries like Bolivia and...

Economic Implications of Palestinian Elections

Palestinian elections have been making the headlines for the past few days – with most stories focusing on the political consequences of the results.  Not too many people at this point,...

Free-Market NGOs

I got this one from the Globalisation Institute's blog: Hilary Benn, the UK's International Development Secretary, used a speech yesterday evening to attack the anti-capitalism embedded in some of the...

Can We Afford to Stop Funding Reconstruction in Iraq?

Plenty has been said recently about the likelihood of the U.S. not providing further funding for reconstruction in Iraq.  Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post articles offer insights into the rationale...

Opening Up The Economy…In India

India continues to take the necessary step to integrate into the global economy.  The latest move is liberalization of the retail market to allow foreign investors to open their own...

Illusion of Price Controls

There is a nice article in the China Daily on government's efforts to establish price controls to keep natural gas prices in check. The problem - rising prices of liquefied natural gas.  The...

Ineffective Public Projects

This week Sudan is hosting the African Union Summit. The African Union is a regional effort to bring together the resources of African nations to combat poverty and help African economies...

Grant-Eating Organizations (Part 2 of 2)

(the first part can be found here)  The lesson for international donors is not that they should disappear, but that they should present partnership opportunities only when they are certain...
2814 Items