2805 Items

Cutting the Pie

Lebanon is re-learning the lesson that street protests alone do not create democracies and put countries on the path of economic growth – real reforms do. There are conflicting messages coming out of the country following the “Cedar Revolution” – on the one hand, there is a s...

International Anti-Corruption Day 2005

On Friday, December 9, the world celebrated International Anti-Corruption Day. Transparency International Poll released on Friday showed widespread public alarm about corruption. Said Huguette Labelle, Chair of Transparency International: "Today's survey shows that people believe corruption is deepl...

Putting an End to Corruption in Mozambique

The Mozambican government is taking a stand against corruption – and it seems that its moving in the right direction, at least according to the strategy document it released yesterday. The strategy recognizes that low wages of government officials are not the source of corruption, rather it is the...

Better Governance and Increased Competitiveness

Do boards of directors have a much more important role to play in developing economies than they do in developed ones? “Yes!” says a new article by McKinsey Quarterly (subscription only). The reason is straightforward – weak institutions. In developing economies, external instituti...

Four Years of Transition in Serbia

In October, the Serbian Center for Liberal Democratic Studies (CLDS) published a new report, which captures lessons learned from the last four years of reform in the country. Following the fall of the Milosevic regime, Serbia embarked on a comprehensive institutional restructuring program to restore...
2805 Items