2814 Items

International Anti-Corruption Day 2005

On Friday, December 9, the world celebrated International Anti-Corruption Day. Transparency International Poll released on Friday showed widespread public alarm about corruption. Said Huguette Labelle, Chair of Transparency International: "Today's...

Putting an End to Corruption in Mozambique

The Mozambican government is taking a stand against corruption – and it seems that its moving in the right direction, at least according to the strategy document it released yesterday....

Better Governance and Increased Competitiveness

Do boards of directors have a much more important role to play in developing economies than they do in developed ones? “Yes!” says a new article by McKinsey Quarterly (subscription...

Four Years of Transition in Serbia

In October, the Serbian Center for Liberal Democratic Studies (CLDS) published a new report, which captures lessons learned from the last four years of reform in the country. Following the...
2814 Items