159 Items

Making Trade Simpler and Faster

Making trade simpler and faster will allow more people to participate in their economies. As a joint leader of the Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation, CIPE is supporting major reforms...

What Will It Take To Rebuild Ukraine?

Ukraine’s reconstruction and recovery costs are the focus of a new report released jointly with the government by the World Bank, the United Nations, and The European Union. The assessment focuses...

Chambers and Associations Outlook

As CIPE embarks on its 40th year of service to chambers of commerce and business associations around the world, we pause to look at the tremendous challenges and opportunities for...

Key Elements for Strengthening Businesses

The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) is committed to supporting women’s business associations and creating spaces for entrepreneurs to share knowledge, resources, and experiences. The project aims to help entrepreneurs in the private sector by providing them with the necessary tools to succeed in their businesses and to amplify their voices as active participants in their communities and economies.

Addressing Challenges in Slovakia’s Tech Industry

CIPE's partner Female Algorithm is a civic organization founded in 2020 in Kosice, Slovakia. The mission of the organization is to connect, motivate, and educate women in Slovakia in the areas of technology and leadership. Female Algorithm also spreads awareness about unconscious bias and the importance of diversity and inclusion; fosters discussion on gender issues;...

2022 in Review: CIPE’s Business Resource Center in Guatemala

2022 was a year full of opportunities and challenges for women in Guatemala who face obstacles ranging from personal and professional development hurdles to violence and femicide. For that reason, the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) has committed to working on gender issues to foster the development of a more supportive environment for women...

Resumen de 2022: Corali, el Centro de Formación Empresarial de CIPE

El 2022 fue un año de oportunidades y retos a enfrentar en materia de género en Guatemala, pese a que las mujeres representan más del 50% de la población en general, aún enfrentan inequidades y desigualdades en todos los ámbitos de desarrollo personal y profesional, sumado a ello un panorama desalentador en temas de violencia...
159 Items