Fighting Corruption with Modern Tech Tools – a Political Approach

1.16.2019, 12:30PM to 1:30PM

Rampant corruption can destroy public support for democracy. New technologies create opportunities for financial shenanigans on an unprecedented scale, but also provide powerful new tools for transparency, accountability, and grassroots citizen watchdogs.

From the perspective of a development organization focused on political partners, Matt Bailey and Chris Doten of the National Democratic Institute (NDI) will speak on the challenges posed to democratic institutions, and how new tech-powered approaches such as crowd-sourcing evidence, open data, and machine learning have the potential to improve citizens’ ability to fight for stronger democratic institutions.

Jeanne Cook of the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) will offer the perspective of a private sector attorney focused on corruption issues and brings CIPE’s view of anti-corruption compliance and collective action to the conversation.



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