The Next Generation of Discovery: Research and Policy Change Inspired by Ronald Coase - Center for International Private Enterprise

The Next Generation of Discovery: Research and Policy Change Inspired by Ronald Coase

3.27.2015, 9:00AM to 3.28.2015, 12:00AM

CIPE and the Ronald Coase Institute held a conference celebrating the life and work of Ronald Coase, his insights into the conduct of economic research, and lessons for institutional reform. Coase challenged scholars and policy practitioners to examine real-world institutions, analyze alternative courses of action, and change the way we think about problems.

Speakers included Nobel laureates Kenneth Arrow and Oliver Williamson, distinguished senior scholars and practitioners, and young alumni of the Ronald Coase Institute. They discussed the impact of Coasean research on policies and development, shared field insights from China and other countries, and chart future directions for innovative, influential research.

The full program and list of speakers are available here.

Watch videos of individual sessions at the Coase Institute site or watch all of Day 1 and Day 2 here.

“We do not know for the most part what is true and what is false, what is significant and what is not… it is our aim to find out.” – Ronald Coase