UN IGF 2021: “Level Up: Methods for Localizing Digital Policy and Norms”

12.7.2021, 9:45AM

The session will directly tackle the challenges and opportunities associated with how global policies and norms—including global human rights instruments as well as emerging global digital policy standards—are effectively implemented and interpreted at the national level. Implementation is often a challenge because the national context can be quite different from how a policy is developed globally.

In the case of emerging digital policy standards often first designed in Europe and North America, the context in other countries can vary significantly, and if implemented in the exact same way could produce unintended negative consequences. On the other hand, implementation can also be a way to improve standards globally when used as a process which elevates national policy and broadens human rights protection

A specific policy angle this session will address is how to make sure localization of policy and international standards is implemented in a multistakeholder fashion. While governments have certain obligations to uphold international human rights, there is a role for other stakeholders to provide input, oversight, and guidance. Governments often do not have the specific policy expertise to go it alone. Moreover, a multistakeholder approach can ensure that the perspectives of all communities are heard in the process of localizing global standards.

Key policy questions for this session include:

  • How do policymakers and other stakeholders effectively connect global human rights instruments and emerging digital policy standards to national contexts?
  • What are the best techniques to make sure that a policy is localized in a way that respects human rights and democratic values?
  • What role do multistakeholder processes have in localizing digital policies at the national level?
  • Is it possible for global internet governance frameworks to serve as a vehicle to raise the bar on human rights around the world?

Find out more about the session here.

Register for the Internet Governance Forum 2021 here.

