‘Bangladesh can draw more investment if corruption remains less prevalent’

U.S. Ambassador to Bangladesh Peter Haas spoke at the event, Call to Action against Corruption Summit, organized by the Centre for Governance Studies and the Center for International Private Enterprise. Since the event, numerous news outlets have covered the key takeaways.
- The Daily Star: https://www.thedailystar.net/news/bangladesh/diplomacy/news/bangladesh-can-draw-more-investment-if-corruption-remains-less-prevalent-3276851
- United News of Bangladesh (UNB): https://unb.com.bd/category/bangladesh/bangladesh-can-draw-more-investment-if-corruption-remains-less-prevalent-peter-haas/112333
- NEWAGE: https://www.newagebd.net/article/197398/us-to-work-with-bangladesh-to-eliminate-corruption-peter-haas
Watch the Event Recording
For the last two years, CIPE and its partner, the Center for Governance Studies (CGS) have been implementing a private sector mobilization against corruption project in Bangladesh. As part of this project, CIPE and CGS have published two surveys that document the effects of corruption on SMEs and households, as well as an assessment of SMEs and the commitments of business organizations to anti-corruption. Informed by these insights, the team has organized several events, including a series of 8 regional consultations in all 8 zones of Bangladesh, a national conference in Dhaka to bring the sub-national perspective to the capital, and two networking events to facilitate building linkages between national entities and sub-national SMEs that had significant participation from women.
In addition to active participation from women entrepreneurs, private sector representatives, leaders of major business support organizations, government officials, policymakers, civil society representatives, and the SME community, project activities have received considerable media coverage. The TV talk show “Trityo Matra” that discussed the research findings reached an audience of 60 million nationwide through television and 5,105 hours watched on YouTube. Project activity posts reached 139.5K individuals on social media and through CGS’ newsletter and infographics highlighting findings from the three publications linked above, reached 10.9k people and received 1.2k likes on social media.
As the last event of this cycle of the project, CIPE and CGS hosted a national summit on March 21, 2023, in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. At this summit, CGS discussed setting the direction of private sector efforts against corruption in Bangladesh. CIPE’s Executive Director, Andrew Wilson delivered a pre-recorded video message that was played at the beginning of the national summit – as part of the opening remarks delivered by the Executive Directors of CIPE and CGS. Participants representing the private sector, civil society, media, academia, policymakers, think tanks, and donors attended the summit. While the event was held in Bangla, simultaneous translation was also provided. The US Ambassador to Bangladesh Peter D. Haas attended and spoke at the event as well.
Published Date: March 29, 2023