While visiting with program partners in Sri Lanka recently, CIPE experts were asked by media outlets to share their perspectives on current economic challenges and the path forward. Below are two interviews by CIPE Managing Director of Programs Abdu Alkebsi and John Morell, Regional Director of Asia and the Pacific Programs.
Ada Derana 24X7 News Spotlight: How Sri Lanka can achieve economic growth targets with good governance, transparency, accountability and good economic practices.
Daily FT: Addressing the Dangers of Public and Private Sector Corruption
- Centre for International Private Enterprise champions delivery of ‘democracy dividend’ for people of Sri Lanka | Daily FT
- https://www.ft.lk/opinion/CIPE-warns-of-dangers-of-public-and-private-sector-corruption/14-749740
- US-based CIPE rates SL as priority country with biggest upside in the region | Daily FT
Published Date: July 17, 2023