CIPE in the News

179 Items

The Extractive Sector: The State of Play in Mauritania

CIPE in News | Haroune Sidatt
CIPE Country Representative in Mauritania Mr. Haroune Sidatt was recently interviewed by Senegalese online newspaper Keur Massar Actu on the state of play of the Mauritanian extractive sector. Read the...

CIPE Quoted in Article on Chinese Investments in the EU

CIPE in News
CIPE’s Center for Accountable Investment Director Eric Hontz recently provided insights to Deutsche Welle on the topic of whether the EU will move to curb Chinese investments. Read Hontz’s analysis in Jo Harper’s...

CIPE and NED Leaders Meet with Taiwan’s President

CIPE in News
CIPE in World Movement for Democracy Delegation CIPE’s Executive Director Andrew Wilson and National Endowment for Democracy CEO and President Damon Wilson met with Taiwan’s president as part of a...

NED highlights CIPE’s support for Afghan partners

CIPE in News
The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and its core institutes, including CIPE, played a key role in supporting partners inside Afghanistan and coordinated the evacuation of over 1,024 Afghan grantees...
179 Items