CIPE Regional Director for Africa Lars Benson and Program Officer for Africa Hanna Wetters join the online radio show Addis Business Talk to discuss CIPE’s work in East Africa, with...
In a recent Woodrow Wilson Center webinar titled “Force Multipliers? U.S. and Taiwanese Interests in Latin America,” the CIPE-coined term ‘corrosive capital’ was used by Julie Chung, Principal Deputy Assistant...
CIPE’s concept of “corrosive capital” frames an opinion piece by Tena Prelec. Corrosive capital is not the whole story: Balkan political elites make use of foreign investments to further a...
Read the full article here. “Russia is learning to mind its limitations; to repel residual nostalgia; and to think straight, putting issues before personalities, and staying focused on its own...
Full paper and information about the series can be found here. This paper is a part of the Sharp Power and Democratic Resilience series published by the International Forum for...
Xi’s new economy is not the Chinese economy of the 2008 summer Olympics, with fast growth and some room for differences of opinion on policy. The CCP has become the...
Eric Hontz, CIPE’s Deputy Regional Director for Europe and Eurasia, was recently interviewed on Muslim TV Network’s talk show Mujahid Talks, on the subject of “Is China Communist or Capitalist?”...
Trust is the glue of a healthy society. Here’s how to bring it back Chandler Foundation’s CEO Tim Hanstad recently published a piece on the World Economic Forum (WEF) that...
On December 17, BBC news published an article covering CIPE and the Center for Contemporary Politics’ research into Chinese copper mining investment in eastern Serbia. Through analysis of the agreement between...
CIPE published a report on the launching of the operational phase of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Agreement, and the effect this agreement has on Medium, Small, and...