CIPE Insights

11 Items

What Entrepreneurs Teach Us

CIPE Insight
CIPE’s efforts to nurture enterprise ecosystems and create better conditions for business are core to its broader democracy mission in emerging economies. We assist entrepreneurial communities to empower individual entrepreneurs,...

CIPE at 40: Highlights and Insights

CIPE Insight
As our world changes, CIPE is creating new opportunities and helping to improve the lives of millions of people. Private sector leadership and a commitment to democratic principles are what make CIPE programs so unique and impactful, because in most countries and communities, small and medium sized businesses are the economic engine. From Peru to...

Making a Business Case to Protect Digital Rights

CIPE Insight
With two-thirds of the world regularly on the internet, we are experiencing an unprecedented shift in how people spend their money and time. Most companies, big or small, are now dependent on the internet for supply chains, connections to customers, and market information. A vibrant and inclusive digital economy requires the protection of digital rights...

Stopping the War and Making the Peace in Sudan

CIPE Insight
Sudan Experts Call for Anti-Corruption, Inclusion, and Private Sector Leadership On the six-month anniversary of the latest outbreak of war in Sudan, a panel of experts gathered at CIPE’s Washington...

The Coming Transformation of Ukraine

CIPE Insight
From Survival to Sustainable Development: Lessons Learned from CIPE’s Private Sector Approach Soon Ukraine will embark upon reconstruction in the aftermath of the full-scale Russian invasion, which has displaced around...
11 Items