CIPE’s Regional Director John Zemko Shares New Insights on How to Curtail Kleptocracy in Latin America

CIPE in News

Kleptocracy, A Growing Danger

Chile provides an interesting case study of how countries are attempting to combat kleptocracy. It has historically featured regulatory stability, effective application of rule of law, and separation of powers. All of these are proven ways to stop or limit corrosive capital. Likewise, Chile’s SOEs are largely well-managed and follow international best practices in most respects. Nevertheless, recent financial scandals in the country, such as the Mexstone case, demonstrate how both internal and external actors can take advantage of existing deficiencies in legal frameworks.

John Zemko, CIPE Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean, published this case study in Diario Financiero, a Chilean economic newspaper.

Read the full article (in Spanish), or download an English Translation (PDF).

Published Date: March 14, 2023