CIPE’s Senior Program Officer Florent Bakija Explains How Customs Clearing Is Being Transformed in Malawi

CIPE in News

Customs clearing agents play a crucial role in cross-border trade. Conformity is vital: errors ramp up delays and costs, discouraging trade and driving up prices for consumers.

In Malawi, the Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation (GATF) is modernizing an unreliable, informal system that has impeded trade in this landlocked developing country. The Alliance is supporting Malawi in introducing national licensing standards in line with international best practices, addressing the lack of formal training for Malawi’s 197 licensed customs clearing agents. A two-pronged approach to reform involves mandating certain standards for licensed clearing agents and emphasizing training and certification.

Working through public-private partnership to make trade more transparent, inclusive, and reliable, this targeted Alliance project supports the implementation of the WTO’s Trade Facilitation Agreement and brings significant transformational value to Malawi’s economy and government.

Read more about how the GATF supports the modernizing of Malawi’s customs clearing here.

Published Date: February 25, 2023