The Free Enterprise & Democracy Network Releases Statement in Support of Threatened and Intimidated Venezuelan Business Leaders

Statement/News Release

WASHINGTON, D.C.- The Free Enterprise & Democracy Network (FEDN) released a statement today in support of Venezuelan business leaders and managers who have been attacked and intimidated by their government.

“We are in complete solidarity with the business community in Venezuela,” John D. Sullivan, Executive Director of the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) said today. “We call on the government to stop the intimidation and threats against the business community.”

CIPE is the secretariat of FEDN, a network of individuals who are leading business voices from think tanks and business associations in emerging markets. FEDN aims to promote the economic underpinnings of democratic transition and bring private sector voices into global discourse on democracy. The network provides a mechanism for private sector leaders and advocates of economic freedom across the world to exchange ideas and support, and make the case for democratic, prosperous societies.

Read the full text of the statement here

FEDECAMARAS is the National Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Business Associations. It was founded in 1944 and has 300 affiliated associations, with 24 regional bodies in all of the states of Venezuela. It is considered both by its regional peers in Latin America and the International Employers Organization of the International Labor Organization in Geneva as the most representative business organization in Venezuela.

Since its founding FEDECAMARAS has been at the forefront of the defense of the principles of free private enterprise and market economy, as well as the respect for the individual property rights of all Venezuelans.

CIPE is a core Institute of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and an affiliate of the US Chamber of Commerce. The NED is honoring Venezuelan political prisoners in its 2015 Democracy Award today on Capitol Hill.


Published Date: May 14, 2015