Statements & News Releases

105 Items

CIPE Mourns Passing of Egypt Program Director Randa ElZoghbi

Statement/News Release
CIPE mourns the recent passing of Egypt Program Director Randa ElZoghbi, revered for her leadership and innovation in developing public policy excellence programs, partnerships to unleash small business and entrepreneurship...

CIPE Honors Madeleine K. Albright

Statement/News Release
As we mourn the passing of Madeleine K. Albright, longtime Chair of the National Democratic Institute (NDI), CIPE joins colleagues and friends around the world who are reflecting on her...

Solidarity With Ukraine and Defense of Democracy Worldwide

Statement/News Release
Statement by the NED Family: The National Endowment for Democracy, the National Democratic Institute, the International Republican Institute, the Center for International Private Enterprise, and the Solidarity Center Vladimir Putin’s...

CIPE To Host Panel at March 11 World Bank Forum

Statement/News Release | CIPE
CIPE will be hosting a panel at this year's World Bank fragility forum on March 11. It will be an opportunity to discuss the steps the private sector is taking to reduce insecurity and support economic recovery in the region with Sahelian business leaders.

CIPE and IMBU Lead Environmental Roundtable

Statement/News Release | CIPE
CIPE and its partner the Iraqi Businessmen Union (IBMU) co-facilitated a roundtable discussion on the impact of environmental laws on industrial growth in Iraq. The January 12 event was part...

CIPE Signs Grant Agreements in Sri Lanka

Statement/News Release | CIPE
CIPE has signed grant agreements with five new organizations in Sri Lanka as part of a project with DoS – Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs on large-scale infrastructure....
105 Items