Women’s economic empowerment is a multiplier for economic growth and stability as well as gender equity and equality. To are systemic barriers to women’s political and economic participation, regional variations in the capacity of women’s chambers and associations, and urgent challenges for women in business posed by COVID-19, WE-Champs will build the capacities of women’s chambers and associations across Europe, Central Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa to support and represent the interests of women. This will be achieved through training and mentorship, regional networking and learning, as well as public outreach, leadership, and advocacy support. WE-Champs is guided by CIPE’s decades of experience in building the capacities of women’s chambers and associations and the belief that women’s chambers and associations have an important role to play in driving transformation in a demand-driven, culturally sensitive, and impactful way.
Published Date: March 25, 2024