Democracy That Delivers #123: IDEAS CEO Ali Salman Discusses the Effects of Malaysia’s Surprising Democratic Shift in the Region

Jennifer Anderson, Catherine Tai |
From left: Guest host Jenny Anderson, Asia Program Officer Catherine Tai, and guest Ali Salman

On this week’s Democracy that Delivers podcast, CIPE’s Senior Program Officer for South Asia Jennifer Anderson, sits in for Ken Jaques to conduct an engaging interview with Ali Salman in the wake of Malaysia’s election upset. After 61 years, Malaysia’s ruling coalition was defeated in the ballots.

Salman begins by sharing his experience working on the topic of religion and liberty as a founding member and now CEO of the Islam and Liberty Network, eager to establish a global program to share Islam’s foundations as a proponent for free-trade and market economy.

Anderson and Salman then discuss the surprising political change in Malaysia and the role of IDEAS (Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs) in changing the way citizens view government performance, as well as the role of anti-corruption efforts in the region.

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Published Date: July 25, 2018