Democracy That Delivers #195: Closing The Gender Gap in Access to Finance with IFC’s Heather Mae Kipnis

Barbara Langley |

To the left: Heather Mae Kipnis. To the right: Barbara Langley.

We close out Women’s History Month with a podcast with the Women’s Entrepreneurship Product Lead for the International Finance Corporation’s (IFC) Gender Secretariat, Heather Mae Kipnis, and CIPE’s Director for the Center for Women’s Economic Empowerment, Barbara Langley. They discuss IFC’s role in supporting stakeholders and clients to close gender gaps in the economy, and doing so in a sustainable way. Heather Mae Kipnis highlights the business case for closing the gender gap and help create more opportunities for women entrepreneurs, and the top 6 challenges women face in business and investment.

This podcast was originally recorded in November 2019.

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Published Date: March 31, 2020