Democracy that Delivers #279: Rapid Response – What are Anti-Corruption Windows of Opportunity?

Peter Glover |

The 6th episode of CIPE’s anti-corruption rapid response podcast mini-series features governance consultant Florencia Guerzovich and Open CoLab founder Dave Algoso. Listen now to hear Guerzovich and Algoso break down their recent groundbreaking report on political windows of opportunity for anti-corruption reform. According to Guerzovich and Algoso, these windows of opportunity often follow the overthrow of a dictator or corrupt leader, or the election of a reformist government. However, they can arise and dissipate so quickly that slow-moving observers can miss them entirely; instead, reformers both in and outside these countries must begin preparing before they occur. The guests are joined by Anti-Corruption & Governance Center Program Officer Peter Glover. For more of their analysis and recommendations, check out the full episode here.

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Published Date: August 26, 2021