Democracy that Delivers #355: Local Engagement at the T20 and G20: A Conversation with Rainer Heufers

Rainer Heufers, Executive Director of the Center for Indonesian Policy Studies (CIPS) joins Adam Sachs, Program Officer for CIPE’s Global Programs team to discuss digital governance and how to inform better policies through the T20 process.

Against the backdrop of Indonesia’s presidency of the G20, CIPE supported CIPS as it served as a co-chair for the T20’s Taskforce 4: Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture. CIPS also developed two policy papers papers – G20 Framework for Repurposing Agricultural Policy Support to meet Global Climate and Food Security Goals and Regulating Cross-Border Data Flows in the Development Context – which were included in the official G20 repository.

In this episode, Heufers and Sachs discuss how CIPS provided policy analysis and fostered stakeholder engagement in the months leading up to the T20 summit and beyond.

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Published Date: January 11, 2023