Students of the Public Procurement Course at the Cartagena Chamber of Commerce

In 2020, CIPE opened its Colombia Country Office (CCO) in Bogota. Since its opening, the office has become a regional hub for CIPE’s initiatives, but also for global projects on women’s economic empowerment, anti-corruption, business strengthening, and digital economy and governance. CCO’s work promotes greater understanding of local contexts, leverages collaboration with relevant partners, and fosters dialogue among stakeholders.

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Current Work 2024

Public Policies that Boost Private Sector Participation in Regions Most Affected by Violence and Conflict

CIPE and its partner the Foundation for Superior Education and Development (Fedesarrollo) identified the barriers and opportunities faced by the private sector in the regions most affected by violence and poverty in Colombia. The results of the research into private sector needs were presented to leaders from different sectors in a public event in the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce, on November 8, 2024, in order to influence decision-making on business involvement in these regions.

Partner: Fedesarrollo


Promoting Democratic Participation in the Digital Economy

CIPE, in partnership with Innpulsa, the national government agency for entrepreneurship and innovation, is promoting the adoption of digital economy tools among MSMEs in Colombia. CIPE is characterizing and identifying the challenges faced by entrepreneurs from regions most affected by violence and poverty, with a particular focus on women and entrepreneurs from other groups. Likewise, CIPE and Innpulsa train medium and small businesses across the country on the digital economy and foster spaces for networking and updating the private sector regarding this topic.

Partner: Innpulsa

Opportunities and Challenges for the Private Sector in Regions Aff­ected by Violence and Conflict

The launch of the report titled ‘Regional Risk Index: Pacific’ took place in Cali, Colombia, in November of 2023.


This project aims to identify the challenges and opportunities in the private sector in Colombia by developing national and regional risk indices and promoting dialogue with different stakeholders around specific recommendations for entrepreneurs and authorities.

Partner: Colombia Risk Analysis

Promoting Transparency in Public Procurement

Based on the survey conducted among more than 2,000 entrepreneurs in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, CIPE developed roadmaps to promote transparency in public procurement. Currently, the roadmap recommendations are being implemented in all three countries, including training sessions on business ethics and public procurement for MSMEs.

Partners: Ipsos, Transparencia por Colombia, ICESI University


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