
Private Sector Leadership for Market-Oriented Reform

CIPE’s programs in Egypt support free enterprise institutions and promote market-oriented reform through partnerships with local private-sector leaders, business associations, and think tanks. CIPE’s programs support an inclusive decision-making process by improving the institutional capacity and governance practices of independent business associations, establishing a healthy dialogue between private sector stakeholders and decision-makers, and supporting the development of analytical skills to recommend economic policies among young business leaders. 

CIPE’s partners include associations and think tanks such as the Federation of Egyptian Industries (FEI), the Egyptian Center for Economic Studies (ECES), Egyptian Junior Business Association (EJB), Federation of Economic Development Associations (FEDA), Alexandria Business Association (ABA), Sohag Investors Association (SIA), and the Alexandria-based Small Industry Modernization Association (SIMA).  

CIPE’s programs with these partners are as diverse as the partners themselves. For example, CIPE works with FEI and the Federation of Egyptian Banks (FEB) to support Egypt’s transition towards a cashless economy and improved banking services. The popularity of a cashless economy has grown significantly over the past three years as a result of CIPE’s work with FEI and FEB. CIPE has also worked with FEI to synthesize and articulate its members’ priorities into policy recommendations for Egypt, presented in an innovative online platform – the first online, dynamic business agenda of its kind. 

CIPE works with FEDA on SME legal and regulatory reform. FEDA, with the assistance of CIPE, recently developed a road map to formality, suggesting revisions to the current SME law and streamlining inconsistent practices that cause many businesses to remain within the informal economy. CIPE also works with SIA to encourage the development of industrial zones in Egypt. 

CIPE also works with FEDA, along with SIA and SIMA, in their efforts to encourage the development of industrial zones in Egypt. 

Visit CIPE Arabia for Arabic-language publications, resources, and more information about CIPE’s work in Egypt.