
Directory for all Resources

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420 Items

Association Policy Development Workbook

Guides & Tools
Boards of directors for associations use internal policies as a part of their governance responsibilities. Policies are rules or guidelines that shape major decisions and actions, ensure consistency in decision-making, adhere to local laws, and support an association's core objectives. They are often referred to as the “wisdom of the board”. Boards and their governance...

CIPE’S Africa Programs Flyer

The Africa programs flyer highlights CIPE’s initiatives and impact across the region, showcasing how we partner with local businesses, associations, and communities to address key challenges and foster sustainable economic development. From supporting trade facilitation and digital transformation to empowering women entrepreneurs and improving corporate governance, CIPE programs are helping to generate inclusive economic opportunities across the continent and strengthening democratic values.

The State of Democracy in Southeast Asia Report

Four respected members of the Asia Think Tank Network, a CIPE partner, are sharing their analyses and opinions about the state of democracy in the region. The authors share their...

CIPE Jordan Goals & Outcomes

CIPE has supported business-oriented civil society organizations since 2006 to address Jordan’s most pressing challenges. CIPE’s Jordan programs advance greater inclusion of women’s voices, catalyze citizen-led, evidence-based policy reforms, and...

Driving Transparency in Cambodia: How Lenders Shape Infrastructure Standards

Guides & Tools
Governments in emerging economies are turning to a variety of sources for infrastructure funding and technology. Among the avenues for countries in Asia and the Pacific: multilateral development banks and donor agreements with neighboring countries such as China, Japan, and South Korea. To show how differently lenders from the three countries operate, CIPE and its...
420 Items